Different Gender Difference In Sexual Response

                                      Different Gender Difference In Sexual Response     

25th February 2022

  Hello, everyone welcome back to my blog, I am happy to see all of you again. This week we discuss the difference in sexual response between women and men. I have more information and knowledge about sex and the meaning of sex.

  Sexual activity in LDS is totally different from the society, nowadays the social atmosphere is extremely open-minded so there are many relationships that develop like open-relationship, friends with benefits, or sex-partner, in our church, we are educated that sex is a present that God gives it for wife and husband. 

  Between the men and women, they have a different view of sex.  Most of the males focus on the feeling of themselves and does he feel good in the process and they sometimes will overlook their other half's feelings since girls are much more sensitive, they care more about the feeling of safety, warm and close than the body touch. I have heard a story from my friend who just broke up with her boyfriend lately since he cannot make her feel the warmth and beloved as he always just wants to have sex and have more and more body touch, she cannot feel any love between her and her boyfriend. Different from women, men more focus on personal feelings when having sex while women want to have more love than sex as some of the females are more attracted by emotional and lingual stimulation

  Moreover, sex is not an activity just for fun or a thing to do in their spare time. It can also strengthen our marriage as we can learn how to communicate with my other half as we will have different reactions while making love, maybe your wife thinking about the time is too long or she thinks you are doing too hard also women are more concerned about different things such as their own body as they will be worry that they are not in a good shape or is it safe enough that the sex will make them pregnant while men care more about the feeling. but being a good husband, you better care about your wife's feelings as you want to be more close and achieve their expectation with your partner. If you both want to enjoy sex you need to have a conversation together so that each of you will know more about what each other think about sex. If both of you enjoy the process of making sex that your marriage will become more loving and close.

  Also, some people feel anxious about sex. Sex supposes to be enjoyable and happy but some people will worry about their performance and their body shape is not achieving what the other half expects.  I read a newspaper about why some people are panic about sex like they are scared of not enjoying the sexual have experience. Male are more worried about their performance through sex as men are more focused about that the reaction of their partner as they could feel satisfied by the reaction of their wife if they cannot achieve since men's self-respect is strong they want to conquest their women in bed as it will make he feel proud. On the other hand, female is more care about their body shape as they are worried that their husband will notice their weight or their shape girls are more concerned about their appearance, especially in front id their other half, they prefer to be perfect so that their men will love them more and it will help them be more confident.

  Some people will feel embarrassed about sex, for me, I have no shame about it as it is a gift from God to us. If we can do it probably it will strengthen the relationship between you and your other half.


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